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For Parents/Carers

For Parents/Carers


 Our motto at Shakespeare is 'Never Absent Never Late'. We expect all children to be in school and on time every day.

Never Absent, Never Late

Never Absent, Never Late

Attending school every day is essential if children and young people are to benefit fully from their school life.It is also important that children learn the importance of being punctual as part of their preparations for adult life.We expect parents and carers to work with the school in order to achieve high standards of attendance and punctuality for their children.



We expect all children to be in the playground by 08:40 a.m. ready for the school day to begin at 08:45 a.m. when the register will be taken.

If your child arrives late they must go immediately to the school office to receive their mark. Parents/carers of children who persistently arrive late will be contacted by staff.



We have both a weekly class reward and half termly Never Absent Never Late competitions to encourage and support children's good attendance.All children's attendance is regularly monitored.

Any children who are frequently absent, have a pattern of absent days, unauthorised leave or attendance that has fallen below 97% will be contacted by school.

Persistent absentees (below 90% attendance) will be referred to the Inner East Cluster and allocated an Attendance Improvement Officer.

If your child is unwell and needs to be absent from school you must always ring our attendance line on 0113 5351000, choose option 1 and provide a reason for your child's absence.

Please note that as of 1st January 2018 we can no longer receive texts to report absences. All absences must be reported by phone.

Exceptional Leave

Exceptional Leave

Shakespeare Primary School no longer authorises any holiday leave. We expect all parents to take their holidays during the approved school breaks.It should be noted that there are 175 days each year when your child does not attend school. No child is expected to be absent from school on exceptional leave/holiday during term time.

However, we are aware that sometimes in very exceptional circumstances (e.g. family crisis), parents may need to request to take their child/ren out of school during term time. The application will only be considered if an Exceptional Leave form is completed, and evidence is provided of the exceptional circumstances where requested.

Penalty Notice letter from Leeds City Council

Exceptional Leave forms are available from the School office, or you can download one by clicking on the link below.


If your child is absent, please phone the school on 0113 535 1000 and select option 1. If Mrs Brookes does not answer, please leave a message.

To request Exceptional Leave (within the reasons given above) for your child, please click here to download an Exceptional Leave form.