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About our school

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The Shakespeare ‘Curriculum of Excellence from the Heart of Leeds’ prepares children to be able to understand and influence the world in which they live. It is an experiential curriculum with a focus on securing a deep understanding of all relevant knowledge and skills. It is designed to have a rigorous focus on developing excellent basic skills in English and mathematics, whilst also developing young people with a clear understanding of the positive role they can play in shaping the world around them.

We’ve designed our curriculum to retain the core function of the National Curriculum subjects sequenced to ensure logical and considered progression from Early Years to Year Six. Our learning is organised into projects built around a subject driver of either History, Geography or Science.

We enhance and enrich our curriculum with trips, visitors, real life experiences and outdoor education wherever we can. Community involvement is very important to us and we endeavour to invite as many families and visitors as we can to join in with our learning.


Our vision for

A Curriculum of Excellence from the Heart of Leeds

enables children to become:

Compassionate and responsible local and global citizens

Curious and creative thinkers

Learners who read and readers who learn

Healthy and active for life

Independent and resilient individuals


The Shakespeare Sixty supplements and supports the curriculum offer. It is made up of experiences and challenges for pupils to aspire to throughout their time at school.

Please click below to see an overview of the Shakespeare 60:



Our Golden Themes have been developed vertically through every year group helping to ensure we are developing young people with a clear understanding of the positive role they can play in shaping the world around them.

Please click below to read about these themes in more detail.


WEB subjects (20 x 80 cm) (18)

The Leeds curriculum provides children with a sense of place and belonging. It allows concepts and ideas taught across all subjects to become tangible when experienced first-hand in our local community. Our partnerships, including Leeds United, Leeds Playhouse and Leeds Museums, provide memorable learning experiences tailored to support the development of our Golden Themes.

          Curriculum by Year  Curriculum by Subject  Our Curriculum