VE Day Party
Year Six – Autumn 1
At the end of our first half term, we had the opportunity to invite our wonderful parents in to showcase the learning that has taken place in Year Six throughout the first half term. In class, our children have been learning about the experiences that children went through during the Second World War as well as key events that shaped the history of our country including the Battle of Britain, the Blitz and D-Day.
On arrival, our classrooms were filled with the incredible work which the classes have worked so hard on and parents joined us in the celebrations with drinks, cakes and biscuits akin to how it might have been on 8th May 1945.
On display in the classrooms was also a collection of our art work which we have created this half term. These mod-roc depictions of wartime artefacts have been planned, designed and evaluated from start to finish to showcase an object or moment within the war which they wanted to encapsulate within a piece of art.
Classes then had the opportunity to present their vast array of knowledge and facts which they have internalized throughout the project. Most children came into school in September with little/no knowledge about the war and its significance within their lives, however all children now are able to discuss in detail the answers to the following questions:
- What happened to children during the war and what impact do you think this would have had on them?
- Why do you think the families were evacuated from the big cities?
- Who were the allies and the axis?
- What happened during the Blitz?
- Why was D-Day so significant?
- What effect did the war have on the people and city of Leeds?
It is always wonderful to have our parents join us in the classrooms and for us to celebrate the fantastic work that the children have produced this half term. The future looks really bright for this Year Six cohort and we can’t wait to see what they will produce in the rest of the year.