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For Parents/Carers

For Parents/Carers

Parentpay - Paying for your child’s school meals 

The government provides funding to offer universal free school meals to all pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2. Children in these years will be provided with a healthy, hot meal every day.  

Once your child reaches year 3, if they are not eligible for free school meals, parents have the choice of sending their child to school with a healthy packed lunch or paying for school dinners.  

The cost of school dinners is £2.30 per child per day (£11.50 per week). Payment should be made in advance via Parentpay, which is a secure, online platform which offers parents the freedom to make payments 24/7. Parentpay can also be used to pay for milk, uniform, afterschool care club and breakfast club and school trips. 

How to get started with ParentPay?

The school office will email your activation details to you. Once you receive these: 

  • Enter your Activation username and password in the Account Login section of the homepage. NB. These are for one-time use only, please choose your own username and password for future access during the activation process
  • Provide all the necessary information and choose your new username and password for your account - registering your email address will enable us to send you receipts and reminders
  • Once activation is complete you can go to straight to items for payment, add items to your basket and proceed to check out

 For further information and assistance, please contact the school office team.

Please note that due to pupil numbers, children are not permitted to change between school dinners and packed lunch. Notice should be given to the school office if you wish your child to change from school dinners to packed lunches or vice versa.